To attain helghts not reached by others, you have to travel a different route! 90%+ of people are dying prematurely due to avoidable degenerative diseases. You need to finds out what causes those diseases and what you can do to reduce your risk of suffering from them. That’s what my special report will do for you. Point out those things that will kill nearly everyone who does not know what they are and how to avoid them.
There is a secret war going on for the control of your mind and body. The prize is who gets control of your aging body, you or the drug companies. And how can you possible win a war you don’t even know you are fighting?
The drug companies want you on an ever increasing number of medications for the symptoms of diseases they cannot cure. As part of this secret war they and their accomplices attack and discredit the very things that could prevent diseases in the first place, like vitamins! Now if that weren’t bad enough, not only do that but they also withhold potentially life saving information from doctors and illegally promote the use of their drugs for conditions they have not the approval to treat.
You, on the other hand, want to look good, feel great, be healthy, happy and to enjoy life to the fullest.
If you win this war you’ll enjoy an old age of reasonable health with your memory and body in good shape, drug and medication free for a very long time. If you lose you’ll be short changed a healthy retirement, and live life increasingly incapacitated and incapable and increasingly dependent on medication. Which would you prefer?
I want you to win your war.
I want you to have the latest health research and age old secrets so you are armed with the data to win your war.
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Tip Number 4 - Follow the Money
Do you still trust those who profit only from your sickness and not from your health? I am sorry to have to tell you this but the sad, horrible truth of the matter is that you cannot rely on your doctor to keep you healthy. When was the last time your doctor rang you or sent you an email saying, “Just read the latest anti-aging research and you need to be taking this vitamin to reduce the rate at which your body ages by a whopping 51%.”? Most of them know next to nothing about nutrition and are fed a constant diet of drug company propaganda and freebies.
To do the very best for your health you need to educate yourself. You need to arm yourself with the facts so you don’t become a victim to those who would profit from your sickness.
I have heard many stories that cause some to label the medical profession a “disease racket”. They are accused of being focused on building up a client base for whom they are treating the symptoms of incurable diseases rather than maintaining and prolonging good health.
Sure, not every one in the profession is like that but the system is and the system bars many doctors from telling you what they know that does not agree with the official line.
That’s what you will get from my special report. An education into what factors cause body aging and mental decline and what specific actions you can take to prevent, reverse or slow these aging factors.
To get your copy of my special report just click on the button [Add to Cart] and make sure your email address is accurate so I can get your electronic copy to you as soon as possible. Oh, by the way, if you prefer to read hard copy, you will be offered the option of a paper copy in addition to the digital format.
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How to win the secret war for your mind and body
In this no holds barred, no punches pulled special report I reveal the latest cutting edge research results from health and anti-aging researchers that will help put you more in control of your own health destiny. This is not a “finish in 5 minutes with nothing new here” read. This anti-aging report contains:
- 1,500+ pages of solid content
- Specific, actionable targets for you to do
- One tip to reduce your cancer risk by 77% or more

- Three servings a week of which vegetable lowers your prostate cancer risk by 40%
- How to slow the aging process by 51%
- 100+ tips for weight loss
- 50 tips to help overcome sleep problems
- What you can do to avoid a 40% increase in brain tumor risk
- How to exercise less but get more benefits
- Which vitamins should be taken together or with food and which should be taken alone or not with food
- How to improve memory and intelligence
- Over 130 hyperlinks to additional data on the web
- A glossary of over 100 definitions for words and abbreviations to save you having to look them up
- If you are a woman of pre or child bearing age this book even has cutting edge tips on things you can do right now that will improve not just your unborn child’s health but also your grandchildren’s health!
What are the financial consequences of not having this potentially life saving data? Somewhere between thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars in future medical bills?
So what is it worth to get a researcher to spend over a 2,000 hours sifting through thousands of emails and reading hundreds of web pages to bring you the information gems that will add more life to your years? If you hired an inexperienced, junior researcher and paid him $20 an hour, that adds up to $40,000 and you’d have to wait a year for your report.
This special report does not cost hundreds of thousand, not tens of thousands, not thousands nor even hundreds. I figure $77 - less than the price of a single visit to a doctor - makes this the steal of the century for comparative value.
Don’t put off what it takes to feel better and reduce your health risks. Start doing the things today that will result in a better looking and healthier body, a sharper intellect, better memory and happier you.
Simply click the link Add to Cart, fill in your email address accurately so I can send you the link to download the key datums to a healthier, happier you.
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What’s different about my book?
With many of the key bits of information in my special report I have included a link to the source article web site so you can click on it to view the entire article or additional data to that which I included.
As you can see from the list of chapters to the right, I am not pushing one remedy to solve only one problem. For two years I have heavily invested my time into researching the latest, most effective, natural (non-drug) things you can do to improve your overall, long-term health, not just one small aspect of it.
All through the book I provide you with specific, actionable targets, things for you to do to start getting the benefits from the data in the book. This removes most of the possibility of you reading the book and not finding yourself implementing the data.
Why can’t I do myself what you have done?
You can. But be prepared to do the following to get the information in my special report:
- spend over 2,000 hours of your time
- sift out opinions masquerading as data
- resolve contrary data
- identify false data and outright lies
- find the appropriate (understandable to a layman) definition for a great many medical terms
- pay hundreds of dollars for books and subscriptions to receive the latest, cutting edge research results
Fifteen reasons why it is worth $77 for you to get this data now
1. The research results documented in this special report are not hypothetical opinions, they are those proven in clinical and field tests to improve your health and well being as well as significantly lower your risk of all sorts of degenerative diseases.
2. This anti-aging report will save you 2,000 hours of your time researching the data yourself.
3. Many authors deliver a one concept solution. Life is not like that, it is comprehensive, sophisticated and complex. I have cast my research net far and wide to gather anti-aging data to help your age gracefully.
4. I have spent considerably more than $77 purchasing newsletters and books to get the data I include in my anti-aging report.
5. You will get much more usable data from the 1,500+ pages of data in this special anti-aging report than a visit to the doctor and this report comes to you at about the cost of a single visit to the doctor.
6. This report gives you data I bet most doctors don’t know.
7. If you pick up and implement just one fact, one idea you don’t already know, that idea has the potential to save you tens of thousands of dollars worth of medical expenses, untold suffering and add years of enjoyment to your life. And with dozens and dozens of tips, you can’t help but find one to implement.
8. Even if you spent the time to discover all the tips I have included in this book, along the way you would have been exposed to a large number of contradictory datums, false datums, incomplete data, partial truths and lies, biased and slanted viewpoints etc. I have saved you the time resolving those by distilling the best data and delivering it in a consistent, coordinated and syncronised presentation.
9. Having all the data available to you in a single location will provide a time-saving, ready reference guide to it for many years to come.
10. There is no risk to you. I am offering you a 100% money back guarantee.
11. Many 20 page eBooks sell for $27. And to be charitable, I am told the quality of many of them is ordinary. I am making the digital version of this heavily researched, top quality, 1,500+ page special anti-aging report available for $77. There’s just no comparison.
12. I have in my possession a thick book of health tips. Despite it being less than three years old, many of these tips are actually based on false data and are destructive. You won’t find that sort of destructive advice in my special anti-aging report.
13. After reading this report you will have sufficient data to be less likely to trust a doctor implicitly, more likely to double check and get a second opinion. Even to have someone with you when if you have the misfortune of going to hospital. This could save you from being one of the hundreds of thousands of people killed each year by medical accidents. Do you know that is one of the largest single causes of death?
14. Each time my wife and I go out for dinner with friends to a local restaurant it costs us about $100. In 20 years time, which are you more likely to remember and be thankful for, a night out or the life-saving strategies and tips that changed your life?
15. There is one single supplement mentioned in my special report that I personally take and recommend that claims to reduce the aging process by up to 51%! And that is only one of many I take, only one of many I describe in my special report. How would you feel about reducing your aging process by 50%?
Why should you get this book now?
Traditional marketing strategy dictates that about now I should give you some urgent deadline, a manufactured reason you should take action now otherwise the price of the book will go up, the book will only be sold for x days etc.
I am not going to do that.
The truth is your body clock is the best call to action you should ever need! It’s like a ticking time bomb. Trouble is, we don’t train our ears to hear it. Every day your body is making a million cancer cells. Hopefully, every day your body is also killing a million cancer cells.
Every day you are consuming foods that increase your body’s inflammation and glycation levels, toxins that overload your body’s detoxifying capabilities and you are going futher into nutritional deficit by consuming food deficient in vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients.
The sooner you take action to learn what to do to minimise the damage being done to your body by the passage of time and these other destructive influences, the sooner you slow the degenerative processes and the healthier and happier you will be.
Remember, you will either pay the price it takes to live the healthiest life or you will pay the price of disease and an early death. Which price you pay is up to you.
A healthier you is waiting. Go ahead and click Add to Cart.
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If you have read this far and are not motivated to grab this special report with both hands and immediately start implementing the tips then I make no apologies for being blunt in what I am about to say. If you are easily offended, best you close this page now.
Just be aware that you are probably making a conscious decision to die early.
Most people would rather die than learn.
Most people would rather die than change their mind.
Most people would rather die than exercise self-discipline.
It is my considered opinion that our ignorance and lack of self-discipline are our two most formidable enemies. What we don’t know and what we know we should do but do not discipline ourselves to do are the two things that will kill us. Gradually or suddenly.
Don’t accept ill health and early death by default. Just because more than 90% of people in the western world do is no reason you should. You are here now with the opportunity to avail yourself of the knowledge that could save not only your life but the lives of many other people. What you do with your life is an example for many other people. Read and apply the data in this report. Make your life a great example!
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